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In history we will inspire children to want to know more about the past, develop an understanding of the passing of time and how this has changed the world they live in, whilst also developing the skills and passion needed to build upon this knowledge in the future.

In our lessons we will teach a progression of history skills and knowledge through a chronological approach, going further back in time as the academic year progresses.

Our children will make connections and build upon the knowledge and skills taught, inspiring them to be historians of the future.

During Autumn 2 [November 2024] we will begin our "Keeping in Touch" history. If you have any old and unwanted phones, computers, keyboards, laptops then please bring them in to the school office as we will be able to make use of them.

Enquiry Organisers

Click on the links below to access the history enquiry organiser for each year group. Each organiser shows the knowledge and skills that will be taught during Cycle 1 [2024-25] in the term specified [Autumn, Spring or Summer].


History Enquiry Organiser for Reception Cycle 1

Year 1

History Enquiry Organiser for Year 1 Cycle 1

Year 2

History Enquiry Organiser for Year 2 Cycle 1

Bringing out the Best in Everyone