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Extra-Curricular Clubs

At Hartford Infant and Preschool, we place great value on the extra-curricular opportunities that children have in school. There are countless examples in life of children who have attended a club, discovered that they have a talent in that activity, and then gone on to pursue that outside of school. Clubs are a chance for children to try out a new activity, enjoy it, and socialise with others while doing so.

We offer a variety of clubs depending on staff and organisations that can offer their services. We offer all Key Stage 1 children clubs in the Autumn term and invite the children in Reception (Classes 1 and 2) in the Spring term too. Children are allocated a club on a first come first served basis and are booked through Premier Education’s website here.

Please could you ensure your child is collected promptly after the session ends. If you have given permission for your child to go home with another adult please inform the school office or the class teacher before the club starts. Rest assured that all club leaders have undertaken a DBS check.

We are very open to holding new clubs, and we welcome any parents with particular passions or interests to volunteer to lead a club. If you have something you would like to offer, please contact the school office. Teacher-led clubs may take place and have a small nominal fee to cover support staff outlays or resources used. However, clubs run by individuals or external organisations may be more expensive.

We offer all our children in receipt of Pupil Premium a free club each term and encourage them to access these on a regular basis.

Previously, we have had fencing, multi-skills, football, Lego, tiddlywinks, Balancability and dance clubs as well as sewing and cookery clubs. How exciting!

Bringing out the Best in Everyone