In geography we will develop children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and the people within it, whilst teaching skills that will allow them to build upon this knowledge in the future.
In our lessons we will teach a progression of geography concepts, skills and knowledge across the year starting within our local environment and community in the autumn term, leading to the United Kingdom and then the wider world.
Our children will make connections and build upon the knowledge and skills taught whilst becoming curious about world they live in.
Click on the links below to access the geography enquiry organiser for each year group. Each organiser shows the knowledge and skills that will be taught this during Cycle 1 [2024-25] in the term specified [Autumn, Spring or Summer].
Geography Enquiry Organiser Year R Cycle 1
Geography Enquiry Organiser Year 1 Cycle 1
Geography Enquiry Organiser Year 2 Cycle 1