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Year 2

Welcome back to school! Here are some pictures of our lovely Year 2 classrooms:

Click the link below for this half terms Learning Leaflet and Enquiry Organiser [Autumn 1] 2024

Learning Leaflet Year 2 Autumn 1 2024

Enquiry Organiser Autumn 1 Year 2 2024


Don't forget to 'Bee on Time' at 8.45am. All children in Year 2 must have an adult with them on school site until 8.45am when the classroom doors open.

Key Stage One

Our vision at Hartford Infant School is for all children to be curious, confident learners who can communicate effectively. In our Key Stage One Classrooms (Years 1 and 2) we want every child to build on their experiences, skills and knowledge from Reception and continue to develop their deep love for learning which will remain throughout their life.

We offer high standards of teaching and learning in an enabling, inclusive environment where each child is nurtured and valued as an individual and encouraged to reach their potential. This enables children to become resilient problem solvers, taking calculated risks, making decisions, asking questions and becoming independent and active learners. Our bold and engaging Key Stage One Curriculum combines the necessary skills and knowledge needed in order to succeed, building essential foundations and making connections in learning, which will allow our children to be successful citizens.

The Key Stage One learning environment builds upon our practice in Early Years (EYFS) and provides a wide variety of age appropriate resources for the children to use in their learning. We have structured English and maths sessions each day which include phonics, SPAG (spelling, phonics and grammar), handwriting, reading and maths fluency. There are numerous opportunities to practise and master skills in foundation subjects in our cross curricular enquiry sessions too. This includes history, geography, science, art, music, design technology and RE. All children in Key Stage One also participate in PE and forest school each week.

Children are continually encouraged to access the resources independently and often choose how to present their understanding, to develop their learning and understanding of the world around them. All adults will support, scaffold and model learning through specific teaching, e.g. phonics, guided maths work etc, as well as supporting cross curricular connections across subjects.

In Key Stage One, all adults continually observe and assess children’s learning and development and use this information in discussion with other members of the team to plan relevant, engaging and challenging activities which meet each child’s individual needs.

Staff will upload pictures of the children’s learning on a regular basis on to an online learning journal (Tapestry) to share learning experiences with other staff and parents/carers. Please note only parents of the child can access their online journey out of school. We believe that partnership with parents is key and will regularly engage with parents/carers of children to also upload pictures and videos of learning at home.

We believe that all staff should be good role models for children; supporting appropriately to allow access to the provision, talking to the children to further learning and creating an awe and wonder experience when appropriate. Children have daily opportunities to read to and be read to by an adult as we believe reading is a fundamental right for every child.

The National Curriculum supports all areas of learning and in Key Stage One this is delivered through an exciting, engaging and challenging curriculum that is relevant to our children. It gives children opportunities to access a wide range of experiences, to consolidate skills and develop a deep understanding of the world around them. This supports progress towards an expected standard set by the DfE. We hope to bring out the best in all our children.

We value six fundamental characteristics of learning that encourage the children to be the very best version of themselves.

These are our Hartford Heroes which focus on:

  • aiming high
  • involvement
  • perseverance
  • problem solving
  • reflection
  • teamwork.

Bringing out the Best in Everyone